About us

Firstly, welcome to Job Shop South West. Thank you for visiting the website!

My name is Stu and I am the owner of Somerset Jobs Limited. The original website launched on 17th April 2020 and grew to a South West Jobs Board in July/August 2022.

After a few years working in the media industry and advertising job vacancies on a local level it soon became clear of the gaps in the market for something else.

So after a lot of research Somerset Jobs was born which then grew the advertising website into Job Shop South West.

Hopefully you will find it easy to use and enjoy what can be the dreaded task of job hunting.

We also host Job Fairs, keep an eye on our events guide for details.



Find Your Future


Coming up with a business tagline is really quite difficult. I wanted to create something simple & memorable but relative to both job hunters and employers.



What is Job Shop South West about?


As you might expect it’s a place to advertise job vacancies across the region From Cornwall & The Scilly Isles to Gloucester and Wiltshire.

One thing I noticed was a lack of places to advertise career related events, so an events guide for jobs & careers fairs, company recruitment open days and apprenticeship information events has been included. If people are job hunting I felt it was logical to show them what’s on locally on the same website.

There are some great training & development providers in the South West. The information about adult learning courses and / or apprenticeships for those who want to further themselves or start training and how to get in touch with them will be showcased in our blog sections.

For job hunters it’s so annoying to find out of date and duplicated jobs. I aim to avoid showing the jobs that are no longer available. This was something really obvious when doing research.

We have also started hosting job fairs to help recruiters and job hunters “Find Your Future” staff/career. Our first was was in Taunton in March 2022. Almost 400 attended with 32 exhibitors. Keep an eye on our events guide for further details or sign up to be kept informed about future dates.



Mission statement


We strive to improve the experience of job hunting within the South West by providing comprehensive search options and by promoting relevant events to users to help achieve your job hunting or recruiting goals.




Job Shop South West will continue to be a comprehensive jobs website for the region. There are plans in place to expand our links with media outlets and our “job of the day” on local radio stations as well as expanding other services that are available.