Somerset Passenger Solutions


Somerset Passenger Solutions Jobs

At SPS we are dedicated to providing the perfect journey!

We do this by;

  • Respecting our people, our customers and our community through positive actions and behaviour
  • Delivering innovative solutions through forward thinking and continuous improvement
  • Being versatile and agile in order to overcome challenges
  • Empowering and developing our people to embrace safety, openness and diversity

We strive to build a positive culture at SPS and to make employees feel valued, working towards a common goal, succeeding together and going home at the end of day feeling fulfilled.

Our values have been developed in collaboration with all areas of the organisation. They summarise what we believe in, what we strive towards and what has helped us to be successful so far. 

Collectively and individually, everyone has a role to play in making SPS a great place to work, a great influence on our local community and a great experience for our clients and customers.